Solo exhibition
Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
October 15 - November 12, 2016
The exhibition payed homage to The Descent of Woman (1972), Elaine Morgan’s controversial book on evolutionary anthropology specifically the aquatic ape hypothesis which she advocated as a corrective to what she saw as theories which purveyed gendered stereotypes and thus failed to adequately take account of women’s role in human evolution.
The installation included prints on aluminum, concrete cat sculptures made by my mother Marsha Siik, a large outdoor text mural, and a projection of a film. The work used language to deconstruct fixed gender positions via the character ‘The Other Woman’. The Other Woman is a copy, imposter, and imprint of ‘woman’.
The film depicted an absent detective, by locating where ‘The Other Woman’ was missing, they deconstructed the system that produced the alienation inherent to binary gender positions. The film was made in collaboration with Jason Boughton.

installation view

AngryPornA, Inkjet on aluminum, 72 x 40 inches

AngryPornC, Inkjet on aluminum, 72 x 40 inches

installation view

against lack, obsidian disc, 30 inches

film still, installation view

film still, installation view

film still, installation view

film still, installation view

raging still, mural on outdoor gallery wall