Solo Show
Chapter NY
Blood from Stone exhibited a broken litho stone, lithography prints, ransom note as take away, wall vinyl, and broken lock box. The show highlighted the fragility of learning environments in the US. Pressure and an unlevel printing surface caused the stone to crack, serving as metaphors for unequal distribution of resources in an unjust system of production (the public school system) that further produces violence upon vulnerable subjects.
Wrinkles in the paper came from too much pressure and an unlevel printing surface. Text and colored pencil soften the printed target - a symbol that represents a horrifying plan. The frame mimics purple heart wood denoting false notions of heroism, pointing to origins of social harms that lead to alienated citizens. Text - typed, hand written, traced, and drawn, on works in the show, were written in the voice of a subject who was frustrated and trapped in an unstable learning environment.
The vinyl depicts a photo of my office at VCU, it read:
100 Most influential people: was the title of the new school where all the tongueless teachers taught. They were made to sit quietly while students sucked on their most private memories.

installation view

installation view

Lithography stone, 38 ½ × 30 × 3 ½ inches

missing, Lithograph print with drawing, 40 × 26 inches

mediocre everlasting, Lithograph print with drawing, 41 ½ × 27 ¼ inches

members only, Lithograph print with drawing, 41 ½ × 27 ¼ inches

paid/pain, Lithograph print with drawing, 41 ½ × 27 ¼ inches

our world, Lithograph print with drawing, 40 × 26 inches

THE 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE, photo of my office at VCU

Broken Lock Box

installation view

ransom note

press release