Angel of History
2018 - 2020
Crashing various opening parties and art events in Toronto (2018), and Vienna (2020), I performed a toast titled The Angel of History with an original script adapted from Walter Benjamin’s On the Concept of History while wearing a digitally printed mask with the face of Angelina Jolie. The work points to the false portrayal of white women as ambassadors of progress and humanity.
The 2020 event was performed the same week artist and Instagram star Sahar Tabar was imprisoned in Tehran for “blasphemy, instigating violence, illegally acquiring property, violating the national dress code and encouraging young people to commit corruption” according to the Tasnim news agency. Sahar Tabar is popular for her “Zombie Angelina” look.
(excerpt from script)
There is a painting by an artist. It’s a painting of an angel,
Who looks like they need to get fucked, The fuck out.
Eyes huge, mouth agape, wings outstretched. As we know,
The Angel of history must look just so,
Because of course,
There are no true angels here. They’re a sham and I’m ashamed.
Suffering and torn the people turn towards an isolated future,
Because they think they know better.
Sure from here, the view is nicer.
We can see how the map reads, listen to certain histories.
But all she can see is her own train-wrecked corpse,
Cunting all over my feet.