prints pubs and books
"Origin of Love and Other Tales of Degradation", designed by nico fontana, published with Night Gallery
"Burning Blue", published with Badlands Inc
"The Coming of Age", design by Dana Bishop Root, published with Akademie of Art, Stuttgart

"Material-i-ty", text published with Gosia Wojas
"Contemporary Print Handbook", published with Halmos
"If Your Eyes Aren't Here It's Not Mine", interview published with Area Sneaks
“Witch in the Burbs", text published with WW4 Hellmouth
"The neofeminist residency: A review" and "Untitled Wants", texts published with WW3 Bodies

"How To Build In A Breakdown", text published with A Tale of Three Cities
"She Invented Love to Not Die", script published with C Magazine

"Body Bags", text published with qui parle

"How To Survive Romantic Love", Poster
"Fangirl Desire (Red)", lithograph printed with LL Editions
"Fangirl Desire (Blue)", lithograph printed with LL Editions
"Fangirl Desire (White)", lithograph printed with LL Editions

"Blue Book", Open Edition for "Take Me I'm Yours", group show at Jewish Museum